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Selectmen's Minutes - December 14, 1994
        Joint Meeting (Selectmen & Water Commissioners)
                   Minutes - December 14, 1994

Meeting posted for 8:00pm with discussion beginning at 8:35pm
after Water Commissioners took care of agenda business.

Attending: Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn, Peter Jones and
Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.     Water Commission: Thomas
Dahlberg; Phyliss Bickford, Chair; Robert Andrews with John
Currie arriving late and choosing to stay away from the table.  
Also attending: Carol Sevizzero; Ed Reed, Water Superintendent;
and Joe Nugent, Executive Secretary to Board of Selectmen; Mrs.
Dahlberg; Bob Sutter, Barbara Ferguson (Enterprise).

Concept of having joint meetings explained by Dahlberg.  Purpose
is to keep lines of communication flowing and to try to ascertain
if there are any differences of opinion and knowledge if both
Boards operating by different sets of rules.   

Having heard the previous discussion between Water Commissioners
and Mr. Arthur Duffy and knowing that Water Commissioners must
take action of acquisition efforts for the Clark property on
Brook street, Jones asked what steps are planned to get an
article passed at the next Town Meeting.

Bickford responded by noting a letter has been sent to landowners
(December 7th) requesting dialogue.  She also read a proposed
chronology of events which must be sent to DEP as the proposed
strategy to deal with the reinstitution of the hook-up
moratorium.  The list includes meetings with property owners,
filing of a NOI with ConCom public education via presentations
and flyers.  CDM to do NOI filing.   Discussion then centered on
Clarks and how to get discussions with them initiated.  Bickford
noted letter out waiting reply.  Jones asked if a mediator was
considered prudent.  Murdoch thought so in order to bring parties
to the table.  Kuchinski suggested a follow-up letter to Attorney
McCluskey, the Clarks' counsel enclosing a copy of the December
7th letter and asking him to advise the Board of "what it would
take to bring his clients to the table".  This letter to either
come from Bickford or between attorneys.  Bickford to contact
Costello tomorrow.  

Other issues of concern raised by Water Commissioner Dahlberg on
behalf of furthering general discussions:  (1) issuing letters /
decisions based on personalities versus furthering best interests
of the Town;  (2) the role of Capital Improvement Committee (CIC)
in process related to Clarks.  The CIC has sent a letter
detailing information needed for that Committee.  Agreement was
reached that a presentation to the committee was inevitable by
by-law; but that prices subject to negotiation would only be
released when no longer harmful to negotiations or as much before
Town Meeting as possible.  Discussion included views of Town and
Bon Counsels for determination of capital item: the taking is not
capital but is criteria if/when bonding to pay.   (3) Boards
working together will accomplish the goal to find a suitable
source of water.  Murdoch, Flynn and Sutter stated the CIC would
be amendable to discussion and understanding about legal
constraints of negotiations.  Friendly versus non-friendly
takings discussed.

Kuchinski brought up the issue for the need for Townspeople's
education on the issue of water's importance.  Stress the need to
understand; the need to reach as many people as possible (in-
person, cable) then culminate with specific exploration attempts
in town citing efforts and specific costs, etc.  Sutter agreed.
Water Commissioners must continue to fight perceptions.

Dahlberg asked Selectmen their feelings about Water Department
requesting Conservation land be turned over to the sole control
of the Water Department.  No issues of concern raised in
discussion.  Procedure alluded to.

Agreement to next meet on January 18, 1995 at 7:30pm at the Water
Department.   Sutter offers his assistance in designing
presentations and graphics for flyers.

Nugent requested Board to take a vote on hiring special counsel
for the Board of Appeals.  Motion 12/14/94.1: move to appoint
James Lampke, Esq. as special counsel for the Board of Appeals in
the Baker Street matter at the rate of $105 per hour.  Motion
made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.

Adjournment: Vice-Chair Murdoch adjourned the meeting of
Selectmen at 9:58pm.